展商名称 江苏中惠舞台设备技术有限公司
Company Name Jiangsu Zhonghui Stage Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd
地址 南京市江宁区空港工业园乐园路15号
Address Jiangsu Zhonghui Stage Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd
电话 025-84598277
传真 025-84618377
网址 www.zhstage.com
电子邮箱 zhstage@163.com
展馆号 展厅3
展位号 3107
产品简介 江苏中惠舞台设备技术有限公司创建于2012年,总部坐落于美丽的六朝古都南京,专业从事舞台机械设备研发及生产销售。公司拥有经验丰富的专业系统设计团队和运营团队,雄厚的技术力量,精湛的生产工艺,一流的企业资质,创立的自有品牌“中惠机械”在中国有较高的知名度,并成功配套了近百个大型舞台项目。结合国内外先进技术和制造工艺,我们将持续为用户提供优质产品及解决方案,致力于打造舞台智能机械第一品牌。
Introduction Established in 2012,Jiangsu Zhonghui Stage Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is headquartered in nanjing,a beautiful ancient capital of Six Dynasties.We specialize in research, design,manufacturing and sales of stage machinery.With experienced professional system design team and operations team, strong technical force, superb production technology,first-class enterprise qualification, we created our own brand Zhonghui Stage Machinery which shares a high profile, and being successfully applied in nearly a hundred large projects in China. Combined with advanced innovative technology and manufacturing crafts, we will continue to provide our users with quality products and solutions, and we are committed to creating the first class brand of stage intelligent machinery.