展商名称 | 投影时代 |
Company Name | pjtime |
地址 | 北京市海淀区学清路16号学知轩商务楼1004室 |
Address | pjtime |
电话 | 010-82755685 |
传真 | 010-82755684 |
网址 | www.pjtime.com |
电子邮箱 | 22499342@qq.com |
展馆号 | 展厅2 |
展位号 | 2120 |
产品简介 | 投影时代网是国内极具专业性、资深的工程视听行业综合网络传媒。投影时代提供涵盖了投影技术、工程显示行业、大屏显示行业等视听工程领域的广阔范围的最新新闻资讯、产品厂商信息。投影时代依托丰富、专业的资讯文章及海量的目标用户访问量,成为了国内视听工程领域众多厂商品牌形象树立、产品推广的绝佳渠道和平台。 |
Introduction | PjTime.com is a leading professional,senior integrated website media of engineering AV industry.PjTime.com provides large range of the latest news and information of the manufacturer and their products in the industry of projection, large display 、professional audio.Rely on abundant,professional articles and visits from target users, PjTime.com having became the best platform to establish brand image and promote products in the AV industry. |
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