展商名称 d&b audiotechnik Greater China Ltd.
Company Name d&b audiotechnik Greater China Ltd
地址 香港沙田火炭禾穗街22-28号沙田工业大厦4楼B室
电话 +852 2690 4355
传真 +852 2690 4356
网址 www.dbaudio.com
电子邮箱 info@dbaudio.com
展馆号 展厅3
展位号 3304
产品简介 d&b通过高质量语音和音乐准确再现来传递声音的本质,提供专业音频解决方案。d&b于1981年在德国成立,被公认为固定安装及流动应用扩声系统的领导品牌,在质量控制、服务标准、系统集成及技术开发方面均享誉国际。总部位于德国巴克南负责研究、开发及生产,全球分公司及合作伙伴整个团队共有超过500多名员工。
Introduction d&b provides professional audio solutions to accurately transfer passions through high-end quality speech and music reproduction. d&b is internationally regarded as a leading company for sound reinforcement systems in installed and mobile applications, with a reputation for quality of construction, standard of service, system integration principles, and pioneering technological development. Founded in Germany in 1981, d&b headquarters is located in Backnang, near Stuttgart, where research, development and production take place. Together with branch offices worldwide, the d&b team numbers more than 500 co-workers.